- In: Information

Category: Spiritual Message
Recorded: February 25, 2021
Available at branches, local temples, main temples
America is no longer a country of liberty!?
What will happen to America, China, and the world in the future? In this spiritual message, Mr. Trump’s guardian spirit spoke about his belief in the resurrection of Trump, including the outlook for tax hikes in the U.S. and the international situation, based on the recognition that a battle for the values of the earth is currently taking place.
【Specifically Recommended to…】
Not only Happy Science members but also political conservatives, those interested in international issues, etc.
◆What are his honest feelings now that the Biden administration is in power?
◆His comments on the impeachment trial, the virus war, the mass media, and the judiciary.
◆What does he think about global warming? Is the “heavy snow” in Texas a sign of heaven?
◆What moves does he think China will make in the future?
◆Japan, the U.S., and the U.K. should share values and realize God’s justice.
◆Trump will surely come back like a phoenix!
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