- In: Information

The Lokossa orphanage in West Africa, Benin Branch tract was founded by Happy Science members in hopes of allowing orphans to attend school. The orphanage has been operating at their own expense without state support since 2006. At the orphanage, there are 52 young to high school aged children who have lost either of their parents at an early age, or have been abandoned for social reasons.
This time, we are honored to donate through the HS Nelson Mandela Fund which supplied about 50 Happy Science books along with 1 year tuition and textbook fees to each of the 24 junior high to high schooled orphans.

Happy Science Benin branch volunteer members also donated food and clothes etc. At the donation ceremony, Happy Science Benin branch manager touched upon the ideas of the HS Nelson Mandela Fund, as the children who received the donations vowed that they would one day grow to save others from poverty

The Branch Manager gave his words of appreciation. “I am ever so grateful to you all from Japan for supporting, and believing in the Buddha nature of the children in the poor orphanage. One student shared, “ I am full of gratitude for receiving such soul enriching donations. I believe in the Lord. I believe I can definitely change my life, and also this world.”
Joyous comments from the orphans who have received support
● I give my thanks to El Cantare. This is an irreplaceable moment for me. I was born as an orphan, and I have lived with anger in my heart towards everyone. Now that I have discovered Happy Science, I am blissfully happy. Master Okawa taught me that anger is life’s poison for the mind. Happy Science is the greatest religion. The teachings must be preached to every corner of the world. I really want to become a spiritual human. I bless the efforts of everyone from the HS Nelson Mandela fund. You are all angels. I hope that El Cantare’s blessings will come upon all people and their families, and that they will be happy. We are all one. I would like to put my efforts into continuing their legacy. (Female)
● Before I discovered Happy Science, I couldn’t believe that people could love unconditionally and not expect anything in return. However by reciting the Dharma of the Right Mind daily, I was able to understand little by little that Africa’s problems were the result of a lack of love. I am incredibly happy to have found Happy Science and practice Master’s teachings during my lifetime. Until now, I haven’t been able to keep up with my studies at school. This was because I could not afford notebooks or even pencils. I couldn’t pay for tuition, so I was pulled from classes. Happy Science is, in a way, like my prince. I thank the Lord for the blessings. I vow to apply the “Success No.1 creed” in my daily life. After I graduate from university, I would like to be a Happy Science staff member. I would like to save as many people before I depart this earth. (Female)
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