Happy Science Eye -What is Spiritual Message? –
- In: Public Relations
–Happy Science Eye- What is Spiritual Message? A new video, “What is Spiritual Message?”, has been posted on our YouTube channel, “Happy Science Eye.” What is Spiritual Message? 1. The spirit world does exist. 2. Difference between the spiritual abilities of Master Okawa and ordinary mediums. 3. The truth of reincarnation. 4. Death is not…
The True Heart of Yaidron: Guidelines for Humankind Suffering from the Coronavirus is out now!
- In: Books
What are the real cause and evil schemes behind the worldwide coronavirus crisis whose death tolls are now past 2.8 million? How does this crisis and humankind on Earth appear now from a higher standpoint? Out of compassion, this book reveals truths about the all-out global war now being waged by the evil power in…
“VICE, a public nuisance”: another counterargument article on The Liberty Web
- In: Public Relations
“VICE, a Public Nuisance: Happy Science’s Dismissals of Its Groundless Claims” Another counterargument article against VICE has been posted on The Liberty Web In this article, four major false claims by VICE are dismissed. Check The Liberty Web for more information. Related articles: Uncovering the false claims by VICE-Happy Science Eye, A New channel on…
“Spiritual Messages from the Guardian Spirit of Aung San Suu Kyi – Will peace come to Myanmar? –” + “UFO Reading 61 (Wilmar in Planet Wilmar)” is Available to Watch in Happy Science Temples!
- In: Information
Category: Spiritual Message / UFO Reading Recorded: March 11, 10 2021 Available at branches, local temples, main temples The truth about Myanmar’s military coup is revealed! This spiritual message reveals the views of the guardian spirit of Aung San Suu Kyi from Myanmar and the guardian spirit of General Hlaing, who led the coup d’etat,…
Uncovering the false claims by VICE-Happy Science Eye, A New channel on YouTube
April 7, 2021 Uncovering the false claims by VICE Happy Science International PR has started its new YouTube channel in English, “Happy Science Eye.” The first episode is our counterarguments against a slander movie by an America-based internet medium, VICE. Topics: Truths about Happy Science disinformed by VICE 1. Happy Science is not an “Ultra-right”…
“The Importance of Self-Help Spirit” is Available to Watch in Happy Science Temples!
- In: Information
Category: Lecture for kids Recorded: September 26, 2020 Available at branches, local temples, main temples “What is a Self-Help spirit?” Master Ryuho Okawa explained the “importance of self-help theory” in an easy way so that children could understand. A religious perspective that cannot be learned in school is taught in this lecture. *************************************************************************** 【Points】 ◆What…
“Sontoku Ninomiya’s Management Survival Methods” is Available to Watch in Happy Science Temples!
- In: Information
Category: Spiritual Message Recorded: January 16, 2021 Available at branches, local temples, main temples Learning from Sontoku Ninomiya on how to overcome the coronavirus recession. *************************************************************************** 【Points】 ◆What is the way of life and the way of thinking of the Sontoku Ninomiya style that we should practice now? ◆What will happen to the society if…
[SONG] “The Water Revolution” English and Chinese version is Coming Out!
- In: Information
Power to the People! For the truth and happiness of the 1.4 billion people in China who has no freedom. For the people who are suffering from Chinese Communist Party. The goddess of Lake Dongting now stands up. Love, justice, and sacred rage of God is on this melody that would give you courage to…
Counterarguments against incorrect articles on Happy Science
March 18, 2021 Counterarguments against incorrect articles on Happy Science Recently, articles, which vulgarly slander Happy Science in conjunction with CPAC (the Conservative Political Action Conference) held in Florida, the U.S., have been posted on some news sites. Interestingly, the articles share common factual errors. The followings are corrections to the mistakes of fact in…
Defeat the Novel Coronavirus! – Encouragement for Strengthening Your Power of Immunity
- In: Information
The world is in anxiety and confusion due to the pandemic of the Novel Coronavirus originated in China. COVID-19 vaccines have been developed. However, as new types of COVID-19 variants have been discovered, the fundamental treatment or countermeasures are yet to be found. Then what can we do to prevent or repel them? Happy Science…