- In: Information

In this talk, Charlie Sakakibara and Kiko Kuramochi from the International Editorial Division talk about the fascinations of the books and the reason why many people are attracted by the spiritual mysteries. You will feel like riding a roller coaster when you read this series. Please don’t miss!
・Master Ryuho Okawa’s first mystery novel series, “The Unknown Stigma 1 [The Mystery]
and 2 [The Resurrection]”, have been released (“3 [The Universe]” will follow soon).
・Many readers are spell-bound by the astonishing stories.
・This series has added another fascination to Master Okawa’s publication.
Visit “Happy Science Official Website” for more info.
Please contact us, should you be interested in watching Master Okawa’s lectures and spiritual messages of leaders around the world at “Find Happy Science”
Kyoutens and spiritual messages:
・“The Laws Of Messiah”
・” Talk Commemorating the Publication of The Unknown Stigma 1 [The Mystery]”
・“A Talk Commemorating the Publication of The Unknown Stigma 2 [The Resurrection]”
・“A Talk Commemorating the Publication of The Unknown Stigma 3 [The Universe]”