- In: Others

Category: Talk Session
Recorded: May 29, 2022
Available at branch, temple, shoja
The novel reveals one aspect of the Universe seen from God!?
We have received a talk commemorating the publication of The Unknown Stigma 3 [The Universe]. We dedicate our sincere gratitude to Lord El Cantare for the great mercy. Before watching this talk session, we highly recommend you to read the novel first.
*“The Unknown Stigma 1[The Mystery],” “The Unknown Stigma 2 [The Resurrection],” are available to read in English. ☆-☆-☆-☆-☆【Point】
◆What is the dangerous point about the thought, “War has no justice”?
◆Space navigation is not possible with science based on materialism. What is Buddhist-like enlightenment necessary in the space age?
◆The reason why “Primordial Buddha / Primordial God” is needed in order to judge good from evil.
◆It is not enough to only polish the power of Dharma to win a devil.
What is important to win a fight against the devil.
◆Explanation about the words that Agnes talks about in the last part of the novel!
It made me deepen my understanding of the novel through conversation and at the same time, it made me think about good/evil and justice. (40’s Male)
Through this talk session, I know exactly why we need to spread this novel and I really hope that many people will read this novel. (40’s Female)