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Category: Lecture
Recorded: July 11, 2021
Available at branches, local temples, main temples
Celebration of Lord’s Descent
The celebration of Lord’s descent lecture, “Now, here, Elohim is thinking about.” was held on July 11, 2021 at Happy Science Main Temple, Sohonzan Shoshinkan.
◆ About ‘God Elohim’ in the latest movie “The Laws of the Universe-The Age of Elohim” coming this October.
◆ What the age had been like back 150 million years ago when God Elohim had descended.
◆ About the origin of hell on earth and the devils.
◆ Warning against the mass media whose standards of value judgements are based on worldly academic study and science.
◆ How those who have spread the thoughts to deny God will fall to hell and be isolated in Abysmal Hell.
◆ About the U.S. and China’s move and issues on political economy in the 21st century.
◆ Why citizens must resist against becoming totalitarian in these times of the corona pandemic or governments who restrain the citizen’s rights.
◆ How to think about progression of AI (artificial intelligence) in the coming age of surveillance capitalism.
◆ What is the meaning behind human beings coming down to this world from the spiritual world?
◆ Have faith. Accept diversity. Make effort to spread the values of the God of the Earth.
[Comments from Overseas Members]
(Singapore, Female 40s)
Thank you Lord El Cantare, in the current times where totalitarian authority is being exercised in some countries in southeast and East Asia, people’s freedoms are at risk, and this is in line with God’s teachings. We have the urgent mission to spread the Truth, to maintain this training ground for souls, and create a world with a belief in God.
(Iran, Female 30s)
The lecture was amazing. I felt incredible, and at the end of the lecture, when we were asked to give gratitude to the Lord, I could feel a strong vibration in my body. My whole body became warm. I’m very thankful to Master and everyone at Happy Science. I have one dream in my life, and that I’d like to attend Master’s lecture in person.
(Uganda, Male 30s)
It was not the first time to hear the name Elohim, but his thoughts, especially in this time of period, if we could all follow, we can save our nations and create heaven. I’m so thankful to Master Okawa for these worlds of wisdom.
(Philippines, Female 50s)
I learned we need justice for the world. Savior will save the world. We will always be with El Cantare.
(Mongolia, Female 50s)
Today’s lecture was very wonderful. Yes, it is time to liberate all mankind from materialism and communism and need to deeply enlighten all man with God’s true teachings. We will strive to spread the teachings of Master. May this blue world be at peace and happiness. We wish the best wishes for the World.
(Sri Lanka, Male 50s)
I learned a lot. We need to voice out for right things about political decisions taken by our leaders. “Democracy is not always right.” This is what I most like and this is the good eye opening for us. Please in the future, we need to hear more about politics and how it behaves and to distinguish right from wrong.
(Mexico, Male 20s)
I understood very well about God’s justice and true democracy with faith. What seems to be good and right in this world is not always correct from the eyes of the higher realms. We all need to open our hearts. I want to hold strong faith and convey these Teachings to the end of the world.
El Cantare Ryuho Okawa Original Songs
Elohim’s ThemeA song celebrating Lord God
With Savior