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Notice of “Happy Science World Japanese Speech Celebration 2019”
We have held the “HS World Japanese Speech Celebration” nine times where overseas members who are studying Japanese speak about faith of El Cantare in Japanese. This year will be held at Yokohama Shoshinkan on December 15 (Sun). First screening and second screening will be conducted, and those who are finally selected will give a speech at Yokohama Shoshinkan on December 15 (Sun). If you want to challenge for this speech celebration, please fill out the application form from the separate sheet and contact the Japanese Language Education (entry deadline: 8/31). We look forward to your entry.
Date : December 15 (Sun) Place : Yokohama Shoshinkan
Members of Happy Science who do not speak Japanese as their native language Japanese level : Above JLPT N3 equivalent or more is preferable. Level at which you can write script in Japanese by yourself. Overseas members who do not need overseas invitation visas.
*In addition, International Headquarters cannot issue overseas invitation visas. Those who have not participated in the HS World Japanese Speech Celebration in the past. People who can come to Yokohama Shoshinkan from 12/14 (Sat) to 12/15 (Sun)
【Theme and speech contents】
“My workbook of life”
You need to be performed without seeing a script or notes. The speech time is a maximum 5 minutes per person. The standard number of characters is from 400 up to 800 characters.
※ Reference: When we speak, a script of 400 characters, takes about two minutes. Those who can write your script in Japanese by yourelf.
In principle, only half of the travel expenses will be paid.
※If you really need financial support, please contact with us.
【Entry, etc】
Entry: Please fill out the application form and send it to the Japanese Language Education email address. ([email protected])
Screening: There is a first screening and then a second screening, and after two screenings, the final selection is made.
【First screening】
Please send recorded video of your speech to the Japanese Language Education, and we will conduct a first screening. However, if there are multiple participants in the same branch, it is possible to do screening in the local branch, and then select the speaker.
* Evaluation criteria is the same as those presented by International Headquarters. Items to be submitted for the first screening: 1. Japanese speech script, 2 video of speech.
※ We will also give you a consultation and specific advice through Skype with the Japanese language education if necessary, so please let us know.
【Second screening】
Those who pass the first screening can proceed to the second screening. The second screening will be conducted by the International Headquarters staff.
※The second screening will be done with the same video as the first one.
► “HS World Japanese Speech Celebration”
► Application Form