HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 266 is released!
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Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 266 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind: In the Midst of Love and Reminiscence ● Contemplation Points: In the Midst of Love and Reminiscence ● Book Highlight: “Stress-Free Living – Calmer Mind and Happier Self -” book ● Master’s Special Message: Knowing the Truth of This World & the…
Why you should not commit suicide
1.People who commit suicide as a form of escape will not return to Heaven This being said, however, in most cases when a person commits suicide as a means of escaping from this world, it is very rare for him to enter Heaven immediately; this scarcely ever happens. It is extremely difficult for people to…
BASICS: The LAWS of JUSTICE is released!
- In: Basics
Read E-book The LAWS of JUSTICE A new booklet on the 2016 Law Series book, The LAWS of JUSTICE is now available to read online. This book is the DNA that will create our future society. This booklet will not only give you a general idea on the book, but is also useful to give…
HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 265 is released!
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Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 265 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind: The Mind of Buddha ● Contemplation Points: The Mind of Buddha ● Book Highlight: “Stress-Free Living – Calmer Mind and Happier Self -” book ● Master’s Special Message: Knowing the Truth of This World & the Other World (Part 2) ● Latest…
The Principle of Love
The Principle of Love is the first principle of the Fourfold Path – the Principles of Happiness. The Principle of love has the highest priority because it is love that brings people the most happiness and this principle is the simplest and easiest for everyone to practice. “Looking at the suffering in the world, it…
HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 264 is released!
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Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 264 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind: Missionary Work Surpassing Sadness ● Contemplation Points: Missionary Work Surpassing Sadness ● 30th Anniversary Photo: The 2016 Okawa Family ● Master’s Special Message: Knowing the Truth of This World & the Other World (Part 1) ● Book Highlight: “The Healing Power” book…
Donated Happy Science books, textbooks, and tuition fees for a Benin Orphanage
- In: Information
The Lokossa orphanage in West Africa, Benin Branch tract was founded by Happy Science members in hopes of allowing orphans to attend school. The orphanage has been operating at their own expense without state support since 2006. At the orphanage, there are 52 young to high school aged children who have lost either of their…
2016 A New Beginning with El Cantare
- In: Information
Happy Science International Retreats are special seminars held several times a year at the Happy Science Shoja (main temples) in Japan. These seminars are amazing opportunities to meet people from all over the world who walk the spiritual path of happiness. The retreats include meditation seminars, discussions and prayers designed to deepen your happiness, wisdom…
Happy Science Monthly 263 is released!
- In: Monthly
Read E-book Happy Science Monthly 263 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind: The Wonder of Reincarnation ● Contemplation Points: The Wonder of Reincarnation ● Book Highlight: “Invitation to Happiness” book ● Master’s Special Message: Feel the Miracle (Part 3) ● Latest Book Releases: “Introduction to Top Executive Management” book ● Special Report: The El…
Eternal Life and Reincarnation
Humans are essentially spiritual beings that possess eternal life and reincarnate many times between the Real World and this world. We are never thrown into this world accidentally; we are born into this Earth with a purpose and a mission. “A large proportion of human suffering occurs because people think they only live once. When…