• HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 284 is released!

    Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 284 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind:Comforting the Believers ● Contemplation Points:Comforting the Believers ● The First Turning of the Dharma Wheel:November 18th ceremony in Hawaii ● New Seminar:Rules of Increasing Income ● Master’s Special Message:Living with a Graceful Heart (Part 1) ● Happy Science Group:About our organization and…


  • HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 283 is released!

    Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 283 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind:Is Life a Drama? ● Contemplation Points:Is Life a Drama? ● 2017 Wisdom of Truth Certification Exam:How well do you know the Truth? ● Happy Science Event:31st anniversary since the foundation of Happy Science ● New Temple:Opening of a new temple in Toronto…


  • HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 282 is released!

    Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 282 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind:The Sorrow of Not Knowing Your Spiritual Self ● Contemplation Point:The Sorrow of Not Knowing Your Spiritual Self ● New English Voiceover Lecture:“Dedication to the Basics and a Time of Tranquility” ― Applied Version ― ● Lecture Report:“Starting from Love” lecture at Tokyo…


  • HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 281 is released!

    Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 281 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind:Those Who are Unawakened Do Not Know of Justice ● Contemplation Point:Those Who are Unawakened Do Not Know of Justice ● Happy Science Group:About our organization and activities ● New Special Seminar :“Hints for Success” ● Master’s Special Message:The Cultivation of the Mind…


  • HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 280 is released!

    Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 280 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind:Why Do Humans Live? ● Contemplation Point:Why Do Humans Live? ● New English Voiceover Lecture:“Dedication to the Basic and a Time of Tranquility” ● Special Event:“Starting from Love” lecture ● Master’s Special Message:The Cultivation of the Mind(Part 1) ● Holy Land Pilgrimage:Seminar info…


  • HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 279 is released!

    Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 279 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind:The Individuality of Humans ● Contemplation Point:The Individuality of Humans ● Special Events:The Celebration of Lord El Cantare’s Descent & Tokyo Dome lecture ● New Movie Release:“The World We Live in” – Comming soon! ● Master’s Special Message:Q&A: What is Faith? (Part 5)…


  • HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 278 is released!

    Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 278 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind:Can We Redo Our Life? ● Contemplation Points:Can We Redo Our Life? ● Latest Book Releases:“The Decision Toward Prosperity” book ● New Release:“The Road to Victory” – New York missionary tour DVD set ● Master’s Special Message:Q&A: What is Faith? (Part 4) ●…


  • HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 277 is released!

    Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 277 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind:Invention of Hope ● Contemplation Points:Invention of Hope ● Special Event:Master Ryuho Okawa’s Special Lecture In Tokyo Dome ● Online Membership:JOIN US as a new member today! ● Master’s Special Message:Q&A: What is Faith? (Part 3) ● New Seminars:“The Laws of Mission seminar”…


  • HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 276 is released!

    Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 276 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind:O illuness,Heal ● Contemplation Points:O illuness,Heal ● Book Highlight:“A Life of Triumph” ● Happy Science Group:About our organization and divisions ● Master’s Special Message:Q&A: What is Faith? (Part 2) ● Lecture Report:“The Gate to the Future” Lecture at Pacifico Yokohama ● Plan Your…


  • HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 275 is released!

    Read E-book HAPPY SCIENCE Monthly 275 Contents ● A Guide for the Mind:From Enduring Criticisms ● Contemplation Points:From Enduring Criticisms ● Book Highlight:“The Trump Secret” ● Happy Science Group:About our organization and divisions ● Master’s Special Message:Q&A: What is Faith? (Part 1) ● Event Report:El Cantare Celebration ● Lecture:The Great River of Mercy ● Plan…