- In: Monthly
Happy Science Monthly 256
July is a special month to celebrate and give gratitude to the Lord. In this monthly, we have A Guide for the Mind that is based on the theme of love and A Special Message of the last part of the series on human relationships. Christian from Austria shares his experience of Happy Science and how he was able to awaken to his true self. Also, there’s a special report on the international spring retreat in Japan and an announcement of Master Okawa’s upcoming lecture: The Great Turning Point in Human History.
● A Guide for the Mind: The Pain of Love
● Master’s Special Message (Part4) :Ways on Improving Human Relationships:
● Member Story: Changing Myself for the World (by Christian)
Book Reviews and News: The latest books releases
● International Retreat Report: 2015 International Spring Retreat at Miraikan
● World News: News from Brazil, France, Malaysia, Abu Dhabi and South Africa
● Special Anniversary Event: Master’s lecture: The Great Turning Point in Human History
● Ritual Prayers: Pleiades – Prayer to Turn the Wheel of Fortune & Super Vega Healing
● Nepal Earthquake Disaster Support: The latest news and support fund
● Happy Science Contacts: Worldwide Contacts and Sydney Local Branch Spotlight
We also have a print-edition with full-content articles available at your local temple.
Please contact us to receive the latest issue!